Consultation on a Discussion Paper on a Ministerial Regulatory Proposal to Designate Offshore Exploratory Drilling East of Newfoundland and Labrador for Exclusion under the Impact Assessment Act
Thank you for your interest in this consultation on the Regulations Respecting Excluded Physical Activities (Newfoundland and Labrador Offshore Exploratory Wells) that support the Impact Assessment Act (IAA).
The online consultation closed on April 30, 2020.
What are the Regulations Respecting Excluded Physical Activities (Newfoundland and Labrador Offshore Exploratory Wells)?
These regulations codify mitigation and follow-up measures that proponents of offshore exploratory drilling projects must follow to be excluded from the impact assessment process under the IAA. The regulations also set out the area of application and information to provide to the Impact Assessment Agency of Canada when proposing such a project.
The Government of Canada published a Discussion Paper on a Ministerial Regulatory Proposal and invited the public to comment from March 4 to April 30, 2020. The Discussion paper was informed by the final report of the Committee for the Regional Assessment of Offshore Oil and Gas Exploratory Drilling East of Newfoundland and Labrador.
Outcomes of the consultation
The Government considered all comments received in finalizing the regulations. The Regulatory Impact Analysis Statement provides a summary of the comments received, as well as a detailed outline of any changes to the regulatory proposal.
What it led to
The Regulations Respecting Excluded Physical Activities (Newfoundland and Labrador Offshore Exploratory Wells) came into force on June 4, 2020.
Thank you for your interest in this consultation on the Regulations Respecting Excluded Physical Activities (Newfoundland and Labrador Offshore Exploratory Wells) that support the Impact Assessment Act (IAA).
The online consultation closed on April 30, 2020.
What are the Regulations Respecting Excluded Physical Activities (Newfoundland and Labrador Offshore Exploratory Wells)?
These regulations codify mitigation and follow-up measures that proponents of offshore exploratory drilling projects must follow to be excluded from the impact assessment process under the IAA. The regulations also set out the area of application and information to provide to the Impact Assessment Agency of Canada when proposing such a project.
The Government of Canada published a Discussion Paper on a Ministerial Regulatory Proposal and invited the public to comment from March 4 to April 30, 2020. The Discussion paper was informed by the final report of the Committee for the Regional Assessment of Offshore Oil and Gas Exploratory Drilling East of Newfoundland and Labrador.
Outcomes of the consultation
The Government considered all comments received in finalizing the regulations. The Regulatory Impact Analysis Statement provides a summary of the comments received, as well as a detailed outline of any changes to the regulatory proposal.
What it led to
The Regulations Respecting Excluded Physical Activities (Newfoundland and Labrador Offshore Exploratory Wells) came into force on June 4, 2020.
Agency Documents
Public Submissions
Action Climat Outaouais submission (252 KB) (pdf)
Andra Florea submission (48.3 KB) (pdf)
Anne Lin Arghirescu submission (68.9 KB) (pdf)
L'Assomption en transition submission (122 KB) (pdf)
Balaena Institute for Cetacean Conservation Studies submission (352 KB) (pdf)
Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers submission (408 KB) (pdf)
Council of Canadians submission (241 KB) (pdf)
Denise Campillo submission (180 KB) (pdf)
East Coast Environmental Law submission (339 KB) (pdf)
Ecology Action Centre submission (363 KB) (pdf)
Elizabeth May, O.C., MP submission (266 KB) (pdf)
FFAW-Unifor submission (170 KB) (pdf)
Francois Bouvier submission (119 KB) (pdf)
Gail Fraser submission (531 KB) (pdf)
Kwilmu'kw Maw-klusuaqn Negotiation Office Mi'kmaq Rights Initiative submission (316 KB) (pdf)
Marc Durand submission (126 KB) (pdf)
Mi’gmawe’l Tplu’taqnn Incorporated submission (1.02 MB) (pdf)
Mouvement Québec Indépendant submission (132 KB) (pdf)
Nature Canada submission (167 KB) (pdf)
Nick White submission (738 KB) (pdf)
Noia submission (252 KB) (pdf)
Nunatsiavut Government submission (1010 KB) (pdf)
NunatuKavut Community Council submission (288 KB) (pdf)
Oceans North submission (217 KB) (pdf)
Regroupement vigilance hydrocarbures Québec submission (938 KB) (pdf)
Sierra Club Canada Foundation submission (495 KB) (pdf)
Sophie Robitaille submission (83.5 KB) (pdf)
Vincent Gerardin pour la Première Nation des Innus de Nutashkuan submission (948 KB) (pdf)
Vincent Giroux submission (48.2 KB) (pdf)
WWF-Canada submission (301 KB) (pdf)
Xavier Gillet submission (58.5 KB) (pdf)
Public Comments
Akim Laniel comment (92.8 KB) (pdf)
Alexandre Strasman comment (197 KB) (pdf)
Alexis Ranger comment (92.8 KB) (pdf)
Amelia Lamontagne comment (182 KB) (pdf)
Amélie Drainville comment (207 KB) (pdf)
Andréanne Desormeaux comment (268 KB) (pdf)
Andréanne comment (194 KB) (pdf)
Andrée-Ann Cloutier comment (93.7 KB) (pdf)
Anick comment (187 KB) (pdf)
Anik Bastien comment (264 KB) (pdf)
Anne Lesage comment (3.51 KB) (pdf)
Anne-Catherine Lebeau comment (3.31 KB) (pdf)
Anne-Sophie comment (203 KB) (pdf)
Annie Perron comment (194 KB) (pdf)
Annie comment (3.71 KB) (pdf)
An-Phuong Nguyen comment (193 KB) (pdf)
Antoine Miller comment (173 KB) (pdf)
AO comment (173 KB) (pdf)
Ariane Cote comment (181 KB) (pdf)
Ariane Lemieux-Lepage comment (173 KB) (pdf)
Audrey Yank comment (194 KB) (pdf)
Aucuit comment (173 KB) (pdf)
Anick B. comment (263 KB) (pdf)
Antoine Vallette Viallard comment (274 KB) (pdf)
Audree comment (262 KB) (pdf)
Alexanne Bisson comment (41.1 KB) (pdf)
Bernard Ducharme comment (4.05 KB) (pdf)
Bertrand Gelineau comment (173 KB) (pdf)
Bertin comment (199 KB) (pdf)
Brett Favaro comment (288 KB) (pdf)
Caroline Richard comment (90.3 KB) (pdf)
Cat comment (173 KB) (pdf)
Catherine Thompson comment (195 KB) (pdf)
Charlie Dechene comment (174 KB) (pdf)
Christina Laterreur comment (191 KB) (pdf)
Christine Progneaux comment (4.34 KB) (pdf)
Claude Lussier comment (3.41 KB) (pdf)
Clément Fontaine comment (3.72 KB) (pdf)
Comité de Vigilance Hydrocarbures de Lavaltrie comment (3.53 KB) (pdf)
Coralie Beaumont comment (191 KB) (pdf)
Corinne Boutterin comment (198 KB) (pdf)
Corinne Ponsoda comment (197 KB) (pdf)
Claire Charron comment (192 KB) (pdf)
Claudelle commentaire (266 KB) (pdf)
Cloé Daguet comment (200 KB) (pdf)
Camille David-Mégret comment (278 KB) (pdf)
Charles Johnson comment (174 KB) (pdf)
Cassandre Ville commentaire (206 KB) (pdf)
Dalmas comment (196 KB) (pdf)
David Lord comment (273 KB) (pdf)
David Vaillant comment (98.7 KB) (pdf)
Denis Houle comment (174 KB) (pdf)
Dominic Roy comment (200 KB) (pdf)
Dalal Hanna comment (190 KB) (pdf)
Dominique Parisé comment (173 KB) (pdf)
Elisabeth Naud comment (193 KB) (pdf)
Elizabeth Coffman-Warrender comment (218 KB) (pdf)
Émilie Buisson comment (193 KB) (pdf)
Emily Zajko comment (195 KB) (pdf)
Étienne Corbeil comment (3.41 KB) (pdf)
Étienne Corriveau-Hébert comment (260 KB) (pdf)
Étienne Legast comment (173 KB) (pdf)
Emily Velasquez Gilbert comment (173 KB) (pdf)
Félix Arseneau comment (194 KB) (pdf)
Francis Cloutier comment (172 KB) (pdf)
Francis St-Pierre comment (89.8 KB) (pdf)
Franck Le Coroller comment (195 KB) (pdf)
François Raymond comment (173 KB) (pdf)
François T-H comment (186 KB) (pdf)
François comment (216 KB) (pdf)
Frédéric Brunel comment (196 KB) (pdf)
Florian Burkhard comment (210 KB) (pdf)
Francis Leblanc comment (192 KB) (pdf)
Frédéric Leblanc comment (43.1 KB) (pdf)
Francois Doré comment.pdf (173 KB) (pdf)
Gabrielle Forest comment (194 KB) (pdf)
Gaele Cluzel Gouriou comment (91.4 KB) (pdf)
Geneviève Cartier comment (94.9 KB) (pdf)
Genevieve D comment (96.2 KB) (pdf)
Geneviève Rajotte Sauriol comment (4.48 KB) (pdf)
Gilles Fontaine comment (202 KB) (pdf)
Gilliane Cyr comment (91 KB) (pdf)
Ginette Cyr comment (271 KB) (pdf)
Ginette Trahan comment (259 KB) (pdf)
Guillaume Emeriaud comment (199 KB) (pdf)
Guillaume Prévost comment (201 KB) (pdf)
Guy Marchamps comment (192 KB) (pdf)
Gabriel Primeau comment (173 KB) (pdf)
Gabriel comment (192 KB) (pdf)
Gerard Neil comment (196 KB) (pdf)
Géraldine Sauvignet comment (295 KB) (pdf)
Hélène Gilbert comment (199 KB) (pdf)
Henri Cant comment (178 KB) (pdf)
Hugues Saumure comment (186 KB) (pdf)
Isabelle comment (194 KB) (pdf)
Isaac Ary comment (173 KB) (pdf)
Jane-Anne comment (194 KB) (pdf)
Jean-Michel Fortin comment (190 KB) (pdf)
Jérémie Boudreau comment (3.76 KB) (pdf)
Jérémy comment (202 KB) (pdf)
Jérôme Saunier comment (276 KB) (pdf)
Jocelyn Lauzon comment (198 KB) (pdf)
Johanne Cantin comment (174 KB) (pdf)
Julien Laberge comment (173 KB) (pdf)
Jocelyn Larouche comment (194 KB) (pdf)
Josiane Philion comment (203 KB) (pdf)
Jérémie comment (199 KB) (pdf)
Jean comment (86.5 KB) (pdf)
Julien Beaulieu comment (267 KB) (pdf)
Jessica Cucinelli comment (105 KB) (pdf)
Karine Badeau comment (91.5 KB) (pdf)
Karine Dagesse comment (3.9 KB) (pdf)
Kim Dupont comment (92.2 KB) (pdf)
Krystal Chandler comment (193 KB) (pdf)
La Planète s'invite à l'Université de Sherbrooke comment (206 KB) (pdf)
Labreche Nicholas comment (189 KB) (pdf)
Laurie Tousignant comment (173 KB) (pdf)
Louis Gaudreau comment (188 KB) (pdf)
Lucille Clark comment (258 KB) (pdf)
Lanah commentaire (261 KB) (pdf)
L'Assomption en transition comment (173 KB) (pdf)
Laurence Thiffault comment (188 KB) (pdf)
Louise Audet comment (132 KB) (pdf)
Marc-Olivier Carle comment (173 KB) (pdf)
Marie comment (3.23 KB) (pdf)
Marilou Laprise comment (3.57 KB) (pdf)
Mario Laprise comment (193 KB) (pdf)
Martine Groulx comment (194 KB) (pdf)
Maryse Couture-Plante comment (173 KB) (pdf)
Mathilde Levesque comment (3.6 KB) (pdf)
Maxime Gallant comment (3.74 KB) (pdf)
Megan Danis comment (188 KB) (pdf)
Mélanie Fontaine comment (173 KB) (pdf)
Michel Blouin comment (173 KB) (pdf)
Michel Landry comment (197 KB) (pdf)
Mélanie Varin-Lacasse comment (263 KB) (pdf)
Myriam Lavoie comment (173 KB) (pdf)
Mathilde Hébert comment (215 KB) (pdf)
Mireille Boisvert commentaire (218 KB) (pdf)
Maryse Pelletier comment (173 KB) (pdf)
Nathaly Fridman comment (173 KB) (pdf)
Nicholas Lanctôt comment (184 KB) (pdf)
Nicholas Ouellet comment (210 KB) (pdf)
Nicolas Bottreau comment (173 KB) (pdf)
Nadia Beaulieu comment (173 KB) (pdf)
Olivier Carval comment (194 KB) (pdf)
Olivier D. Asselin comment (173 KB) (pdf)
Olivier Domingue comment (174 KB) (pdf)
Oscar Alberto Quijano Xacur commentaire (280 KB) (pdf)
Patricia Phaneuf comment (194 KB) (pdf)
Pascal Savard comment (193 KB) (pdf)
Patrick comment (3.36 KB) (pdf)
Philippe Poissant comment (262 KB) (pdf)
Pierre Bernard Dow-Blanchet commentaire (296 KB) (pdf)
Peter Shepherd comment (279 KB) (pdf)
Piroska Nagy comment (217 KB) (pdf)
Richard Larouche comment (174 KB) (pdf)
Robert Galipeau comment (79.1 KB) (pdf)
Rollande Goudreault comment (3 KB) (pdf)
Richard Malo comment (271 KB) (pdf)
Raphaëlle Le Blanc comment (202 KB) (pdf)
Raphaëlle Fréchon comment (213 KB) (pdf)
Samuel M comment (173 KB) (pdf)
Sandrine Poirier comment (2.97 KB) (pdf)
Sarah DroletLaflamme comment (196 KB) (pdf)
Sarah YR comment (196 KB) (pdf)
Sarah comment (196 KB) (pdf)
SB comment (173 KB) (pdf)
Stéfanie comment (2.97 KB) (pdf)
Sandie Bouthillette comment (193 KB) (pdf)
Suzanne C comment (204 KB) (pdf)
Steve Loretta comment (200 KB) (pdf)
Susie Almgren comment (173 KB) (pdf)
Sylvie Lefebvre comment (174 KB) (pdf)
Thierry Archambault-Laliberté comment (4.49 KB) (pdf)
Thomas Dussault comment (88.1 KB) (pdf)
Tommy Cormier comment (92.8 KB) (pdf)
Un Avenir comment (203 KB) (pdf)
Valérie Boulet comment (173 KB) (pdf)
Valerie Charland comment (182 KB) (pdf)
Valérie Provost comment (195 KB) (pdf)
Valérie S comment (195 KB) (pdf)
Veronique comment (262 KB) (pdf)
Vicky Veilleux comment (4.38 KB) (pdf)
Victoria-Mei Zummo comment (173 KB) (pdf)
Vincent Lacharité-Laframboise comment (199 KB) (pdf)
Virginie Arsenault comment (174 KB) (pdf)
Vinciane Peeters comment (173 KB) (pdf)
Xavier Beaupré comment (199 KB) (pdf)
Xavier Gillet comment (191 KB) (pdf)
Yanick Paul Levasseur comment (92.6 KB) (pdf)